


Not only is Rwanda one of the poorest countries in the world, it is also estimated to be one of the most densely packed countries in Africa. In 1994, Rwanda suffered a genocide which killed about 1 million people, resulting in a change in the demographic structure of the country for generations to come. Women now account for 54% of the population, and many women and orphans are now the heads of their households.

With an estimated population of about 12 million people, 3 million people do not have access to safe water. In addition to this, over 4.5 million people do not have access to their basic sanitation needs. 57% of the people in Rwanda live in poverty while 37% suffer from extreme poverty.

To help combat these problems of continuous poverty, Kali to Kali completed its first project in Rwanda in the summer of 2016. We as an organization hope to not only provide the basic needs that these communities require, but also to help support them in becoming independent self sustaining communities. Through your gracious support we have taken the first steps of this well needed journey and hope to continue our work. 

As a result of your support, Kali2Kali is now providing over four thousand people with access to clean water and adequate nutrition through it’s water tanks and vegetable/fruit gardens. Kali2Kali is also providing schools in these areas with the funding as well as support they need to be able to further support the children of these communities in need to help them reach higher levels of education.